Preaching the Gospel in the Land of the Gospels
Journey hosted through Regent College with Prof. Darrell Johnson.
Do you have a call to serve as a pastor or minister? Are you fulfilling that call, or pursuing its completion? If so, maybe this will be the journey for you! Specially priced to allow pastors and those in ministry to come, specifically prepared with an itinerary that will suit you magnificently, this is a perfect journey for those who will preach the Gospel and want to understand it from the inside out!
Join master preacher Darrell Johnson. Hear him exemplify the preaching of the Gospel on site. Take notes and pictures. Remember where the Bible was history and comes alive again! Then return to your country, ready to preach and share more clearly, with more conviction, than ever!
Oh, did we mention – this is a pilgrimage with a retreat component. If you want to pray, to reflect, to restore your soul before God – come! “Green pastures and still waters” await you, along with the Good Shepherd’s perfect care.
There’s nothing like living the Bible in the land of the Bible, learning the text within its context, preaching the gospel in the land of the gospels. You have to experience it to believe it! Jesus invites you personally: Come and See!
Led by Professor Darrell Johnson, Prayer Leader Sharon Johnson, Director and Pastoral Host Bronwyn Spilsbury. Space is limited. Sign up early. Course registration and journey registration with deposit holds your spot. Balance due 60 days prior to travel.
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