When the world is changing around us, we need a rock-solid foundation, we need reminders of the path of faith, and we need a pause for celebration. Come to our ROCKS of REMEMBRANCE retreat.
Tuesday, November 24th, 11:00 am -12:30 pm PST.
Dr. Yossi Paz, Israeli archeologist and guide, teaches the locations & significance of Holy Rocks of the Holy Land. We will explore their meaning in Scripture & our world, and the milestones God has placed on our path.
This is the month to REMEMBER. “Remember the Rock from which you were cut” (Isaiah 51:1). This gives us our strength, and is how we make progress even while we are required to be so still.
Tuesday, November 24, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PDT.
Register HERE for this Retreat
Cost: by donation. Value: remarkable!
Thank you for contributing: e-transfer to [email protected], or donate by
God bless you as you find His love to be the enduring Rock of Ages.
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