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Ancient Faith in a Modern Land

Saturday Seminar, March 20
11:00 am-1:00 pm PDT
Dr. Yossi Paz & Pastor Bronwyn Spilsbury
Spotlight: UltraOrthodox Judaism with Guest Rabbi
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Cost: Donation.

Ultraorthodox Judaism in Secular Israel

  • Facilitator: Archeologist-Lecturer Dr. Yossi Paz
  • Host: Pilgrimage Director-Pastor Bronwyn Spilsbury
  • Guest speaker: Rabbi-Teacher of  Jewish Mysticism

Come learn the faith of our fathers – of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. Experience the life of our mothers – Sarah, Rebecca & Rachel.

See how the path & pattern of these God-directed, historic people, is the bedrock of our world of knowing and way of being

Learn how some of their direct descendants, ultra-orthodox Jews, interpret this pattern, especially through the teachings of the Prophet Moses. How does the written Word connect with the living Word? 

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This will be an utterly fascinating seminar! Dr. Yossi Paz, a secular Jew, leads the discussion with our guest, an ultraorthodox Jew. That in itself is wonderful, and a truly rare occurrence. 

How do we Christians, who believe ourselves also to be in Abraham & Sarah’s line of faith, fit into God’s Holy Scroll of time?

Come and explore. Come open and ready to hear. Maybe the Holy Spirit will nudge your heart in this session. As Rabbi Jesus taught: Come and See!

Saturday, March 20
11:00 am – 1:00 pm PDT
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Entrance is by prior donation, so please contribute before registering.
e-transfer to [email protected] or online here

Thank you!


What God is offering us in these days is a new view, which perhaps could only be seen through a zoom lens. Like a long-distance cameraperson, looking from afar, we’re able to ZOOM in to other faiths and worldviews. Make the most of the opportunity. Register NOW.




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Ancient Faith in a Modern Land

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