Exodus Intergenerational Adventure
Our journey follows the path of the Exodus journey, from Egypt to Israel. We start in Cairo, visit the Pyramids and Sphinx, take in Alexandria and sail on the Nile. These are places that connect us to our roots in human history, and to the story in which God is writing our lives.
We cross the desert and arrive at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the law of God. It’s a mystic, remote place, where sunlight dawns over red rocks. Then we go to the Red Sea, and from there in to the land of Israel.
In Israel we journey to Nazareth, see the place where Jesus spent his lovely childhood! We go on the Sea of Galilee in a wooden boat, similar to what Peter might have owned, that Jesus travelled in! We see Capernaum where He performed miracles and taught, and we go to Cana, site of turning water into wine. On the Mountain of Beatitudes, we will read the Sermon on the Mount and pause to reflect on His teachings that are still needed today.
We go south to Jerusalem, walk the Via Dolorosa, sit and pray in Gethsemane which is on the Mount of Olives, and explore the old market there with its narrow, sunlit cobbled streets and vendors of all that’s bright and beautiful! We visit Bethlehem, where the star shone and angels sang to shepherds – we’ll sing too!
All through our journey we will share the peace of Christ – the Shalom that God offers us. We will enjoy the community of a loving, wonderful group. We’ll explore the Bible as it relates to each site, and we will do more: we’ll experience it, with all our senses, not just our eyes and mind!
It’s a most wonderful opportunity and I pray you’ll consider joining me!
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