Walk with Jesus in the Land of the Bible: Israel, 2023
Host: Pastor Terry Lee, Okotoks Alliance Church, September 18-29, ’23
If you ever wanted to enter the pages of Scripture, this is a great chance! Live the stories of faith, experience the life of pilgrimage, explore the land where God became human, where Scripture happened, where spirits were changed, history unfolded, and the story of our salvation was revealed.
Come where Jesus walked. Walk with Him there! Did you wonder about prophets, priests and kings? See where they lived. Visit Mount Carmel, where Elijah called fire from heaven and God answered. See the Valley of Elah, where David faced Goliath by faith, and overcame him. Go to Jerusalem, where Jesus fought the last battle, and was raised to everlasting life – and calls us to follow! Enter Bethlehem, where He first smiled!
Every day will open new windows of understanding. We will be transformed, and we will be stronger for all the years ahead as we hold on to the promises we receive.
From the water of Galilee to the streets of Jerusalem to vast tracts of desert – you can experience it!
Optional extension: go on to Amazing Grace in Amazing Greece! September 30-October 14, 2023.
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