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This Sceptered Isle
A Poetry Journey through England
August 7-20, 2023
Dr. Malcolm Guite
with Bronwyn Spilsbury

a Regent College travel course
all welcome

“This Sceptred Isle”

A Poetry Journey into the Heart of England

a Regent College Travel course

Led by Dr. Malcolm Guite, poet, scholar, musician, author, professor

From Chaucer to Shakespeare, to Wordsworth, Coleridge and Keats, the landscape and history of England has inspired her greatest poets. Come and read the poems in the places that gave them birth.

Expect rich on-site teaching, readings and poetry as we travel through England, with Dr. Malcolm Guite. The journey was designed to bring a depth of learning and enjoyment. We explore authors in their context, with new understanding of their content, under Malcolm’s literary and theological teaching.

And it’s beautiful! Sip tea in Grantchester Meadows, explore bookshops in Hay-on-Wye, spend nights in Bath with Jane Austen’s literary heritage, go to the Lake District, to Yorkshire, to Cambridge and Oxford, and of course to the Globe Theatre in London!

It’s all there for us to explore, and we couldn’t be in better hands. Dr. Guite partners with Bronwyn Spilsbury, experienced travel course director and pastor, along with a blue badge English guide, for a smooth, enriching journey. This is a unique offering – come while you can! We’ll stay in top quality hotels with full breakfasts and enjoy pub dinners and picnic lunches. We’ll have a deluxe coach for travel, pausing for teaching in churches, gardens, heritage houses – wherever great authors were inspired. Best of all, you don’t need to plan anything! Bring a friend, and share the experience. 

There will be a lively spiritual component to this community of learning. After all, the deepest truth and greatest beauty is in the divinely-offered genius that God gives to willing pens – and those who hold them. Maybe yours will be inspired too!

The journey is offered for learning enrichment, and is also available for 1 credit through Regent College (recommended but optional), with assignments and readings from Dr. Guite.

You may have heard Malcolm teach, you might have read his poetry. Come, experience the rare privilege of days in his company, while reading great writers (CS Lewis, Tolkein, Shakespeare, Shelley, Wordsworth, Keats, Milton, Chaucer, Dylan Thomas, Hopkins ++.) Be ready to renew your mind, heart, and vision.  This Sceptred Isle awaits you!


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